Jan 29, 2022

During the past week, the children from the Inn on Zvezdara learned about two more new concepts during the workshops within the project “Gift of Creativity – Small School of Arts”. In the first class, children are introduced to the concept of “design”, types and purpose of design. We were reminded of famous products that we love, we talked about their appearance and learned what a graphic solution of a product is. The children also tried their hand as fashion designers. The girls created dresses with fashion accessories such as shoes, hats and necklaces, while the boys chose to create a tie, a T-shirt, even jerseys and sneakers for football. The works were full of various creations, full of colors and decorations. Each creation carried its own story and was intended to be worn for a specific occasion.

During the second lesson, the kids learned what a “Quick Drawing Game” is. After the concept was drawn from the cards that all students received, everyone had the task to draw their given concept on the board. The goal of this task was for the children to relax their hands while drawing and, with the help of basic shapes and symbols, to conjure up a certain concept without additional details and to lead others to recognize what was drawn. The workshop was very interesting, and in a quick drawing according to the given concept, at the insistence of the children, the teacher tried

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